Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Looking Forward to Fall

Darkastle At Sunset

Funky Mood

I'll admit it.  I've been in a funk for the last couple of weeks.  This time of year is always depressing to me.  I just hate to see the end of Summer.  And so here were are in the very last week before school starts and it's a sad, sad time.  Already the days are getting shorter.  Can't say it's any cooler since it was 94 humid degrees today.

Howl-O-Scream Countdown

The only bright spot in the near future is the start of Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens.  It opens on September 25 and I'm happy to report they've already started some preparations. They even have a three new haunts this year.

Here's one of the new haunts.  Looks promising.  This one is replacing 13:You're Number's Up.  I liked 13.  In fact, it was probably my favorite.  But it was a few years old and I'm glad to see something new going in.  I'm very curious to see what is behind the boarded doors.  Here is a preview of Unearthed.

One of the other new haunts is called Cornered.  Busch has just released Cornered preview as well.  Kind of reminds me of Children of the Corn!  Terrifying!  I don't know if I can handle being chased through cornfields.

Lumberhack looks to be zombie lumberjacks.  Can't wait to see that one!  Zombies are so scary to me...but now as scary as clowns.  I still wish they would bring them back.  Maybe it's just my personal phobia but the clowns were the creepiest.  Once I was just standing there having a conversation when I felt something on the back of my neck.  Thinking it was a bug I reached up to swat it away.  I felt something I didn't recognize so I turned my head and came face to face with an evil clown.  (Insert scream here)  He had his nose on my neck!  Gives me the heebie jeebies just remembering it!


#howl-o-scream, #busch-gardens-williamsburg,