Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beautiful Weather At Last

Sunday afternoon, 67 degrees, sunny...all the ingredients necessary for a wonderful day.  And everyone around here just about lost their minds!  What a much needed break from this neverending winter.  I believe everyone that owned a motorcycle was out on the road today.  And looking very happy indeed!

I don't happen to own a motorcycle so I just had to settle for taking a drive down to the local beach, which is at Yorktown.  Just a tiny little beach that's great for family outings.  Spent many a day on this beach in my misspent youth!  That's all I'm going to say about that!  Today the beach was full of families, kids, dogs and cruisers.  That's what we used to call the people who just drive by looking at everyone on the beach.  And oh yes, let's not forget the guy who parked his bike and played his music for all to hear.  Took a lot of guts (or nerve) for that big, burly, he-man to broadcast Celine Dion!!!  Maybe he was just really proud of his stereo system.  Come to think of it, maybe he was just in a nautical mood.  Theme from Titanic, you know.

Actually my real reason for heading out to Yorktown today was to take some photos in the old cemetery.  I am doing some research for a new project (think Halloween) and I need some cemetery ideas.  I really need an old crypt but those aren't readily available around here so I have to settle for what I can find.  Wonder where crypts are readily available anyway?

This was the most striking grave at the Colonial Grace Church which is now called Grace Episcopal Church.  This is the grave of Scotch Tom Nelson, who was Thomas Nelson's grandfather.  It is beautiful in a kind of creepy way.

This is the grave of Thomas Nelson who was a Founding Father.  His grave is stately rather than ornate.  Funny to think of a signer of the Declaration of Independence buried in a tiny little graveyard just up the hill from Yorktown Beach.  If you're interested in this kind of thing you can find lots of info HERE.

So we enjoyed the 67 degrees that felt almost tropical!  I'll treasure the memory of it on Wednesday when we have snow forecast.  Hopefully it will be our last one this winter.


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