Monday, June 16, 2014

Everything is Hot, Hot, Hot


It's not officially here yet, but unofficially it's HOT!  We've already had a few days that almost reached 100.  As they say, out of the frying pan.  Not sure that cliche fits, but you get the idea.

Speaking of hot...I have one thing to say.  Jack Bauer!  In my opinion 24 is the best show on TV.  I sure don't know what I'm going to do when this season is over.  Probably cry.  Sorry to be off subject.  I'm watching 24 and writing during the commercials.  Keifer Sutherland is so distracting!

My garden is going strong.  We've already harvested some yellow squash.  I did manage to eat one lonely, but delicious red raspberry.  The birds have been feasting on them.  My only hope is the raspberry plants are multiplying so well that maybe in the future there will be enough for all of us.

My blackberries on the other hand are unbelievable.  Last year I was getting probably 2 quarts every 2-3 days.  This year that is easily tripled.  My bushes are loaded down.  Nothing ripe yet but it won't be long.

The tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and white potatoes are all doing well.  Even my peaches have survived the onslaught of squirrels so far!  I need to take some photos.  The garden always looks pretty this time of year.  Right now all I have is this photo of some raspberries.

Looks yummy.  The birds thought so too.


#garden, #raspberry

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