Monday, January 5, 2015

New Christmas Scrapbooks Ready

Winter Woodland 5x7 Mini Scrapbook

Be Joyful 3x5 Mini Scrapbook

Running Behind or Way Ahead of the Game?

I'm still working on some Christmas projects.  I don't look at it as being late.  After all most people haven't even printed their holiday photos yet.  I've still got quite a few photos to process as well.  So with that in mind I am still working on some Christmas and winter albums.  Today I have two new listing in my Etsy Store and at Sharon Stroud Designs.

I haven't made the videos yet although I really intended to get to them today.   Even did my nails!  But then I somehow got distracted in the kitchen.  I was a real cooking maniac.  I made BBQ chicken, a pot of cabbage and corn muffins for dinner.  I also cooked a pot of beans for tomorrow and to top it off I tried a new recipe for banana muffins.  Yum Yum!

I hope you enjoy my new scrapbooks.

#scrapbook, #premadescrapbook, #christmasscrapbook

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Recapturing The Christmas Spirit

I don't know about you but I was starting to run out of Christmas steam around the middle of December.  It all started out pretty well.  Thanksgiving weekend everyone quickly got into a holiday mood.  Jolly, jolly!  Christmas Town opened and even though the crowds massive people were happy and didn't seem to mind.

But then the stress began to build...the dreaded Christmas Countdown.  Every year (usually the day after Christmas) I swear to myself to get my shopping done way in advance.  And like most people I promptly forget my vow in the following months.  Between shopping, finishing up my custom orders, mailing my Etsy orders, sending Christmas cards (I actually did this year!), and making 15 pounds of fudge I started to feel the strain.  My happy holiday spirit slowly drained away.

I listened to Christmas music all day at work and watched countless hours of Hallmark Channel.  I also watched some of my Christmas DVDs.  I especially love the Scrooge movies.  My favorite is the Alastair Sim version, I think.

I did my best to stay in the holly jolly mood and was doing pretty well up until that last week.  Then I hit the wall.  Crash, boom.  Maybe I overdosed a bit on the Hallmark Channel.  Who knows. But I definitely wasn't in the right mood.  Christmas came and went with me never fully recovering my jolly.  I didn't even mind having to return to work on the 26th.  Not much, anyway.

On the weekend after Christmas. my sister and I decided to go back to Busch Gardens one last time.  We also dragged the hubbies along!  Not really.  They are usually cooperative as long as there is food involved!  The park was nicely uncrowded and the weather was perfect for me and Sis.  It was 65 degrees.  Here in Virginia the weather is like a box full of chocolates (random Forest Gump reference).  We were overjoyed with the 65.

My sister just bought a new camera she wanted to try out so the two of us were snapping photos of everything just for fun.  It made for a nice change.  I'm usually the only one forcing everyone stop and pose for photos!  We meandered over to the Santa's Workshop.  I actually tried to get photos of Santa a few times on previous visits but with the crowds it was just impossible. I figured today would be my best shot.

We took our positions at the window like a couple of peeping Toms!  There was a tiny baby sitting on Santa's lap.  It was adorable.  The baby was looking up at Santa's face with a look of curiosity and wonder.  I knew it was only a matter of time.  Sure enough the wonder turned to "what the hey?"!!  So the family photo time came to a sudden end as mom retrieved her screaming baby.

Now was our chance.  We quickly got our cameras up to our eyes and then it happened!  Santa saw us and made eye contact.  And then he waved!  HOLY COW!  For a split second I remembered what it felt like to be a a six year old on Christmas morning.  I snapped photos like crazy.  I knew this was a moment and mood I wanted to capture.  Then Santa actually gave us two thumbs up!  I was so surprised I forgot to take the picture.  Hopefully Sis kept her head better than me.  I was too busy being a six year old again!

We left Santa's Workshop excited and laughing like a couple of kids.  And I believe that the two thumbs up was a sign.  Santa was giving us heads up that we're already on his good list for the next year!

Busch Gardens has the best Santa ever.  Just my opinion.


#christmastown, #buschgardens, #santa, #buschgardenschristmastown,