Sunday, January 31, 2016

New Whimsical Candlesticks

Here are my newest beauties!  I really love the colors on these.  And I enjoy painting the whimsical patterns.  It's very soothing.

I like to paint while I watch TV.  I say watch but I really mean listen.  I concentrate on painting and only look up when something interesting happens.  It's amazing how little there is on TV that's interesting enough to draw my attention!

I have developed a work flow for my painting.
Step One:  Stare at object to be painted for hours trying to get an idea of which way I want to go
Step Two:  Pick out a couple of patterns I want to include for sure
Step Three:  Pick out my color scheme
Step Four:  Get to painting!
Step Five:  Fix anything I don't like

Originally I intended to go with a Christmas theme in blues and either gold or silver.  But I never could decide on a shade of blue.  So I ended up with green, tomato red and a custom mixed gold.  I have some other candlesticks that may end up a wintry blue.  Maybe I just have to stare at them a bit longer!

Available at

#whimsicalart, #whimsical, #paintedfurniture, #aliceinwonderland, #wonderland,

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