Saturday, April 12, 2014

Daffodil Festival At Gloucester, VA


The first thing I noticed at the Gloucester Daffodil Festival was that everyone (well, not everyone, but a whole lot of people) love their dogs.  And they love to bring them out and show them off.  Does everyone in Gloucester have a pedigree dog?  They came in all sizes.  This well-dressed fellow was my favorite.  He was enjoying himself very much.

Mighty Dog

These greyhounds were enjoying themselves also. But they were actually hard at work.



The Shriners are always crowd pleasers.  I don't know where they get the vehicles but I would love to drive one.

Beauty Queens!

No festival parade would be complete without a beauty queen float.  This photo was taken at the very end of the parade and the girls were still having a good time.

I have to say I really enjoyed myself at the Gloucester Daffodil Festival.  The small town atmosphere was wonderful.  So was the kettle corn!  There was lively music from a band called The Janitors.  Of course there was lots of food and  plenty of craft booths to keep me happy.  I look forward to going again next year.


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