Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Newport News Video

I haven't blogged much this summer.  I meant to.  Really I did.  During my workday I write really imaginative posts in my head.  Unfortunately by the time I get home they have disappeared along with my willpower and energy!

This summer has gone blazingly fast as usual.  I haven't done everything I wanted to but at least put a dent in my Summertime List.  Even managed to fit in a trip home to the mountains.  Oh joy!  Rapture!  I'll blog about that when I get the pictures ready.

There are so many activities to do in this area.  But you know how it is.  When you live somewhere you mostly leave that stuff to the tourists while you sit in the AC complaining about the heat and not having anything to do or anywhere to go!

I came across this cool video that features Newport News and the surrounding area.  The phrase that's repeated often is "Get out of the bed now".  That's something I say to myself all the time.  And lately I have to force myself to get out of the house as well.  I have so much work to do it's a real struggle to make time for fun as well.  But this Wake Up To Newport News video is a great incentive to get out and about.  Be careful about watching it though.  The song might get stuck in your head!



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