Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter Storm Woes

Here in Virginia we don't function too well in winter storm conditions.  I guess we do as well as possible considering our storms are few and far between.  Coming from West Virginia, however, the extent of the storm madness that ensues can sometimes seems a little bit extreme .  The store shelves will empty out at the prospect of a measly 1 inch of snow forecast!  You can imagine what happened when the forecast was up to 10 inches!

Well, in my neighborhood we did not get the 10 inches.  It looks to be about 8 inches.  Which is why I'm home this morning instead of at work.  Worse things have happened!  The cold is what's giving me problems.  It's finally gotten up to 19 degrees.  I don't tolerate the cold at all.

It was even too much for my dog Chloe.  She's normally pretty sturdy in the weather, even for a little (I'm calling 18 pounds little!) Shih Tzu.  But this morning when Hubby took her out for her walk she came in limping.  She seriously held a front paw up and wouldn't put it on the floor.  Then she limped a short distance across the floor.  I was really starting to worry.  When I felt her paw she fell over and her hind legs went stiff and looked lame.  I was beginning to think she was going into a convulsion.  She had snow stuck to her so I grabbed a towel and dried her off.  Suddenly she jumped up as if nothing was wrong.  She grabbed a toy and ran round the room with it.  When Hubby came in he informed me that it was so cold, Chloe wouldn't even go off the sidewalk.  She did her job right there on the pavement.  I think her feet were freezing.  If it's too cold for Chloe who normally loves the snow...then it's definitely too cold for me!

I did spot one of the baby squirrels making a foray out of his nest.  He only made it about a foot away from the tree and stopped right there.  He actually grabbed a handful of snow and threw it up over his head!  Wish I had video of that.  As it is, I just settled for a photo shot through the back door.  I just am not up to suffering for art today!

Hope you're warm wherever you are.

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