Thursday, April 10, 2014

Workplace Wildlife

You wouldn't believe what I found at work today.  I was in our back room and spotted something on the floor.  Now spotting something on the floor is no small feat.  The back rooms are very dark and dusty.  But I saw what I thought might have been a tiny frog.  We do have quite a few of them when the weather gets warm enough.

Once I got a closer look I was surprised to find it was a tiny little turtle.  He was no bigger than a nickel.  Of course I had to pick him up and show him to everyone.  After I picked him up he went into his shell.  But he soon came back out again.

I took him into the light where I could get a better look. Hmmm.   He now had his head and legs back out and his mouth was wide open.  Not a good sign.  I have seen this before.  I took it to my boss to get a second opinion.  Unfortunately he agreed with me.  This little cutie was a #snapping turtle!  He wouldn't stay cute for long.

Actually for something so small he was quite aggressive.  That little booger was all mouth!  He didn't try to bite me but he definitely was attempting to look threatening.  So I walked him over to the woods and set him free.  Sorry to see him go, but as much as I enjoy watching the Turtle Man I am no Turtle Woman.  But come to think of it, I did rescue him and set him free.  Maybe I am a Turtle Woman after all!

The only thing I regret is I didn't get a picture of him before I let him go.  But one thing's for sure.  There are probably more where he came from.  I'll be better prepared next time.


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