Sunday, March 30, 2014

First Bloom Of Spring

Finally Springtime!

Although there is still plenty of cold around, springtime is slowly showing itself.  I'm thankful for any small sign.  As usual, the daffodils are the first to show forth.

Right alongside are the pink blossoms of my peach tree.  This poor little tree has so many blossoms every year.  And then it works so hard to grow some lovely little peaches.  Unfortunately none of them have successfully survived the neighborhood squirrels.  Those pesky little fellows don't even let the peaches get ripe.  It makes me so mad to see a squirrel running across the yard with a green peach in it's mouth.

This friendly little robin never hurt anyone...including peaches!  I sure wish he would talk to those squirrels.  We just moved the peach tree to the other side of the yard and we're cutting down the two massive oak trees soon.  Hopefully the squirrels will move farther away and I'll finally get some peaches.

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