Saturday, November 29, 2014

New Toy Before Christmas

I Love A Great Deal

For the past few months I've been thinking about getting a new camera.  I have a Panasonic DMC-LX5 that I keep in my purse.  It's my emergency camera.  You never know when you'll need to snap a photo of a crazy accident.  I seem to come across those quite often.  You look at the aftermath and wonder how in the world the cars ended up in those positions.  I've even seen an accident  happen right in front of me and still couldn't figure it out.

I also take photos of food sometimes.  I am Filipino after all!  But I don't take a photo of every meal I eat.  I'm usually way to hungry to fool with that.

But anyway I keep a camera in my purse.  I also have my Ipod that I'll use if it's handy, but I'm not too happy with the photo quality.  It's ok for web use but I prefer a real camera for printing.  For most of my photos I use my Nikon D5200.

My Panasonic has been a real nice compact camera.  But a few months ago one of the knobs stopped working.  It's kind of an important knob.  It is the one that adjusts the shutter, exposure and aperture.  So right now the exposure is stuck on +2.  As you can imagine it's difficult to get a photo that's not overexposed.  I did find a workaround but it's a pain.

So I've been casually shopping for a replacement.  I had my eye on a Samsung that has a pretty good zoom.  Gotta have that to get the action shots!  It was about $300 which was more than I wanted to spend for a compact camera.  But last week I was in Sam's Club and the Samsung WB350F was on sale for $149.  I just couldn't pass that up.  This bundle also included a case and Micro SD card.  What a deal!

I've been so busy finishing up custom orders and getting ready for Thanksgiving that I haven't even had time to play with it.  I'll give an update after I take it for a test drive.

My old Panasonic will now be the video camera for my studio.  It actually does pretty good videos.  I'm finishing up some projects and will be posting photos and a video soon.


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