Sunday, November 13, 2016

Update On My Pets (Children)

I haven't had much time to blog in the past few months.  We have been in the midst of a remodeling and home addition project.  After many years we finally fit the bullet and added the detached garage.  This gave me the ability to move my art studio out of the spare bedroom and into the attached garage.  What a difference!  Actually I took photos of everything with the intention of blogging about the project but that didn't happen.  It was so much work I didn't have time to do anything else.  Hopefully I will get the photos done soon and can post some do-it-yourself goodies!

For now I'm just update my pet situation.  First for the sad news.  My beloved Boo Boo died on July 17.  It's unbelievable how much that cat meant to us and how our lives revolved around him.  It was totally unexpected.  He was playing up a storm that morning.  We left to get lunch and when we returned he had passed away.  Even though he was 13 years old I was hoping I'd have at least 5 more years with him.

Boo Boo (left) and Marvin (right) in March 2016

We waited about a month before finally deciding to get a kitten.  Of course Boo Boo can never be replaced.  He was definitely one of a kind.  But in my experience a new kitten helps to ease the pain.  It just so happened that our local shelter was having a kitten special!  We named her Josette.  I'm such a nerd I had to name her after Josette Collins from Dark Shadows!  I only say that because most people do not get the reference.
Josette (Josie)
Josie is such a loving kitten.  In fact she is a bit too loving.  Talk about the kisses!  Unfortunately she has the strange habit trying to stick her mouth in my mouth and when that is not allowed she goes to work on my nose.  And after a mad flurry of kissing she bites me on the end of my nose!  It's not hard enough to draw blood.  It's more like a little nip but until you've been awakened by kitten teeth up the nose you haven't really lived!

In other news Tootsie has decided that her catfish resemble food.  Naturally I had to move them quickly into Butterbean's tank.  Butterbean is still such a little girl the cory catfish should be safe for a few months.  She was afraid of them at first but is adapting nicely.  Enjoy this quick glimpse of our turtle antics!

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