Thursday, December 8, 2016

Getting In The Christmas Mood

I'm a bit late getting into the Christmas mood this year.  I'm not sure why.  I've listened daily to Christmas music, watched an extraordinary amount of Hallmark movies, made 12 pounds of fudge and I've even begun to delve into my holiday DVD collection.  But I'm still feeling a bit Scroogish.  Maybe it's the fact that there are no children in our house.  Whatever the cause I fear that Christmas will come and I won't be ready for it.

To combat that possibility I plan to go to Christmas Town as much as possible.  Hopefully there will even be a snowy day here and there as well.  So far we've only gone once.  We braved the opening day.  The park opens at 2 and we got there at 3.  You would think the traffic would have thinned out by then, but no.  The main parking lots were almost full already.  It actually took us 1 1/2 hours to park, redeem our passes and get in.  All in all not too bad for opening day.

I have 29 days to get ready!
The first place we headed to was Holiday Hills.  It have a retro them that brings me right back to my childhood.  Lots of Rudolphs and large Christmas bulbs.  Great music as well.  We normally like to eat the buffet in the Dasher's Diner.  But this year they moved the traditional Christmas food over to behind the Festhaus.  They put up large heated tents and have the buffets in them.  It's probably best as it has a greater capacity.
Love the retro theme!
The Pompei was spectacular as always.  According to Busch Gardens there are 1,584,000 lights in the Polar Pathway area.

More beautiful than can be captured in a photo
We had a lovely day at Christmas Town.  The ice show 'Twas The Night was fabulous.  We also saw Scrooge No More and enjoyed it very much.  The actor playing Tiny Tim was different from last year, I think.  The one last year was missing several teeth and was completely adorable.  He was perfect for the part and really seemed to enjoy performing.  The boy this year was good but I kind of missed that toothy smile!  Hopefully I can get some good photos in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime I have several more pounds of fudge to make and Christmas cards to prepare.  I am determined to get them in the mail earlier than Christmas Eve!  If you have any suggestions on how to get in the hap, hap, happiest mood please leave a comment.


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