Saturday, May 13, 2017

Today has been a day of comings and goings. As for the goings...I finally thinned out my catfish family to a more reasonable number. I gave 44 of my cory catfish to a local pet store. I hated to see them go but it was getting really hard to keep the water clean and besides that it's only a matter of time until Butterbean decides they look like food.
As for the coming...I finally picked out my new ukulele. Yes I know it's becoming somewhat of an obsession. My collection is definitely growing.  So far I have my little sopranos (Pinky)
 and the one I custom painted (Shellie).
Sea turtle on front
Mermaid on back
Those are what I consider my "fun" ukes. I also have a beautiful tenor Oscar Schmidt.
Oscar Schmidt OU6
I decided I wanted a concert size which is in between soprano and tenor. So I set the GPS and off we went on a little road trip to Richmond. I've never actually been to Richmond except to drive through. Very interesting place. Lots of cool architecture and paintings on buildings. I have heard about a great ukulele store there so we went to check it out.
The store is called Fan Guitar and Ukulele.  I have watched some of their YouTube videos and was really impressed with them.  I also had a friend tell me I just HAD to check out their selection.  So with all that I really had my hopes up that I would be able to find something I loved.
Wow! Talk about walls of ukes! I have never seen so many in one place.  It made it so hard to pick one out. I went in there with a certain Kala in mind and ended up leaving with an Ohana!  I probably looked for an hour and changed my mind several times.  The owner was so helpful and full of information.  He even played them all for me.  I finally settled on an Ohana ck-50wg.  It's so beautiful.  The pictures don't do it justice.

Ohana cedar and willow ck-50wg

My so far unnamed Ohana has found a new home and I have hopes that all my little baby cories will find good homes as well.

I also got a Fitbit Blaze today but I'm WAY more excited about the new ukulele!  Hmmm.  Wonder if it's possible to get a workout while playing the ukulele?  Might be worth a try!
#ukulele #paintedukulele 

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