Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

I don't normally get into Halloween but for some unknown reason I felt like putting more into it this year.  I started out by making some altered witch shoes.  I made a mess with the paper mache but it was a lot of fun.  Don't know what I'm going to do with them yet but I'm really happy with the way they turned out.

Next I worked on the porch.  I had never used chalk paint but I found some examples online and decided to give it a try.  I found a recipe for DIY chalk paint here.  It uses Plaster of Paris and powdered calcium.  The powdered calcium was not easy to find in my area but I finally got some at a vitamin store.  It was about $6.00 which will go a long, long way since you use very little of it.  Then I got a chair from the thrift store for $7.00.  As far as the painting it was a breeze.  This stuff goes on so easy and you don't have to prime first.  I put on a coat of blue, then a coat of teal green on top of that.  After letting it thoroughly dry I sanded it down, making sure to let the blue show through in various place.  When it looked just the way I wanted, I started waxing.  I just used some old Johnson wax that I had around.  I put on four coats of wax and it looked fab!  It also was a much needed workout for my arms!

Then finally the day was here.  This is my very modest (not!) look that I went for.  Woot woot!  I actually even wore these socks to work.  Haha!  Well, you know someone's gotta spice things up a bit! 

Normally we only get about 7 trick-or-treaters at our house.  This year we had a bumper crop of 26!  Wow!  And all of them were surprisingly polite.  Very refreshing.  I didn't take pics of many but here are a few.

All in all it was a fun day.  For once the weather cooperated...sunny 78!  Can't ask for any better than that.

Now I get to start planning for Christmas!

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