Thursday, December 19, 2013

More Fun at #Busch Gardens Christmas Town

Well, I've managed to go to Busch Gardens again.  I try to take advantage of any decent day that comes along (weather-wise).  Two pairs of wooly socks, two shirts, hat, gloves, ski jacket...and I was feeling pretty fine!  This time I tried to fit in some shows that I hadn't hit yet.  Actually I did see the Deck The Halls shows before but at the time I was so busy shoving a yummy prime rib sandwich into my mouth that I didn't pay it much attention.

This show is a mix of standard Christmas songs that are family-friendly.  If you go right at dinner time be prepared for a possible wait.  Seems like everyone wants to eat at around 5-6 and that's also when one of shows is scheduled.  Crowded!  It's a nice place to eat since it's indoors and WARM.  I recommend the prime rib sandwich.  Not to mention the carrot cake (my personal fav)!!!  Of course it's not on my diet but this is a special occasion, right?

Not sure what this show was.  It was in France where the theme is 12 Days Of Christmas.  The ditzy lady with the "wand" was a bit irritating.  Well...more than a bit according to my hubby.  Actually it was so crowded that I didn't get to see the full show.  I never saw the guy with the 5 rings on his head do anything.  Took his pic just because I liked his costume!  In the glow of the lights he was a lovely shade of purple and I LOVE purple!  I guess I need to go back at least one more time to watch this one.

This decorations in France are my favorite.  If you come up the hill from Ireland, through the path of green trees, you will suddenly find yourself almost blinded by blue, pink and white lights.  It never fails to get the 'ooh and aah' reaction from everyone.  Or should I say "Ooh la la!"

Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Terrible Take-up

Here in Virginia we have an expression 'terrible take-up'.  Actually I think it's more of a York County thing.  It basically describes a sudden shock to your system.  Now that I think of it I think I heard it mostly from my former in-laws.  Hmmm.  Wonder if I was the terrible take-up?  Anyway, I guess it's a country way of saying 'taken aback'.  Think I've read that expression quite a few times back in my Harlequin Romance days!

At any rate, I'm not enjoying the change in weather we've had the last few days.  It was just a week ago it was a balmy and beautiful 78 degrees.  I came home from work and sat out in the back yard to just soak it up for a bit.  Next thing I knew there were three baby squirrels playing in the tree.  They were adorable.  I do love squirrels in the off-season.  Can't stand them in the summer though.  They massacre my garden.  ARGH!  Anyway one little squirrel was giving his buddy a bath.  Never saw that before.  It was so cute.


Suddenly there was a red-headed woodpecker and a blue jay in the same tree.  Guess they enjoy the warm weather too.  I couldn't get a picture of the blue jay.  He was way too fast for me!  But the woodpecker was still just long enough for me to snap this one.

After the birds were gone I spent the next few minutes enjoying the antics of the little squirrels as the sun slowly set and the light changed to a beautiful gold.

What an acrobat
King of the hill?

So much for my fond memories of last week.  The lovely weather did not last.  It was 19 degrees last night and here I sit tonight.... wrapped in a blanket and cranking up the fireplace.  ARGH!  What a terrible take-up!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Town At Busch Gardens

So far I've been to #Christmas Town two times.  The first time was for opening weekend.  The weather was almost perfect.  It was in the 60's.  Just cool enough to need a light jacket.  Of course I would have preferred 75 degrees but you can't have everything.

We also went the day after Thanksgiving.  Brrrr!  I should have gone with my first thought and broke out the thermals.  It was sooo cold!  Didn't stop the crowds though.  It's amazing how popular Christmas Town is becoming.  Busch Gardens really puts a lot into it.  They even have heaters placed all around the park to help the chilly willies like me!  And the lights are fantastic.  Not to mention the famous peppermint fudge hot chocolate.  Not on my low carb diet but what the hey!  I tell myself that all the walking will counteract it.

The decorations and carolers in England reminded me of a Dickens classic.  The only thing that was missing was Ebenezer Scrooge.

The shows are always crowd pleasers.  The one I like the best is Miracles.  Very beautiful sets.

Other than Christmas Town I've missed out on all the other festivities around here.  The Grand Illumination at Colonial Williamsburg was today but it was too cold for me.  I'm pretty sturdy in most ways but not when it comes to cold weather.  Give me summer!  Thankfully in Virginia it's not unheard of to have warm weather in December.  In fact it was almost 80 degrees on Friday.  Lovely!
I thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted.  The perfect scenario would be a beautiful white Christmas that obligingly melts away on Dec 26!  Fingers crossed...
