Friday, December 13, 2013

Terrible Take-up

Here in Virginia we have an expression 'terrible take-up'.  Actually I think it's more of a York County thing.  It basically describes a sudden shock to your system.  Now that I think of it I think I heard it mostly from my former in-laws.  Hmmm.  Wonder if I was the terrible take-up?  Anyway, I guess it's a country way of saying 'taken aback'.  Think I've read that expression quite a few times back in my Harlequin Romance days!

At any rate, I'm not enjoying the change in weather we've had the last few days.  It was just a week ago it was a balmy and beautiful 78 degrees.  I came home from work and sat out in the back yard to just soak it up for a bit.  Next thing I knew there were three baby squirrels playing in the tree.  They were adorable.  I do love squirrels in the off-season.  Can't stand them in the summer though.  They massacre my garden.  ARGH!  Anyway one little squirrel was giving his buddy a bath.  Never saw that before.  It was so cute.


Suddenly there was a red-headed woodpecker and a blue jay in the same tree.  Guess they enjoy the warm weather too.  I couldn't get a picture of the blue jay.  He was way too fast for me!  But the woodpecker was still just long enough for me to snap this one.

After the birds were gone I spent the next few minutes enjoying the antics of the little squirrels as the sun slowly set and the light changed to a beautiful gold.

What an acrobat
King of the hill?

So much for my fond memories of last week.  The lovely weather did not last.  It was 19 degrees last night and here I sit tonight.... wrapped in a blanket and cranking up the fireplace.  ARGH!  What a terrible take-up!


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