Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hobby Lobby Heaven

I just recently found out that there is a Hobby Lobby nearby.  Nearby in this case being within somewhat reasonable driving distance.  It cost me 3 hours driving time and 2 toll roads.  Was it worth it?  Oh yes!  I was in craft heaven!  We went all the way to Chesterfield.  I never knew there was much of anything in Chesterfield, much less a Hobby Lobby!  I just can't imagine why there isn't one at least in Norfolk.

I spent at least an hour (maybe it was 2) trying to see everything in the store.  I knew I was on a time limit since Hubby was with me.  He did take a side trip to Dick's Sporting Goods next door and then came back to see if I was done.  Of course I wasn't!  I could have spent at least another hour, but it's probably as well that I didn't.  As it was, I spent almost $200.

I consider it money well spent.  I got several painting books that were on clearance as well as Easter supplies which were on sale.  The only thing I didn't find was little skeleton hands.  I really need those for a Halloween project I'm working on.  I'll probably have to make them myself.  I did find a tutorial on little hands.  They aren't skeleton hands so I will probably have zombies climbing out of graves instead of skeletons.  And I HATE zombies!

Things I Hate

1. Zombies
2. Roaches
3. Blinded By The Light
4. Martial Arts Movies

Maybe I'll post "Things I Love" next time.  Fair warning.  Keifer Sutherland will probably be in first place!  Which reminds me.  Did you know the new season of 24 premiers on May 5?

Ok, now that I've gotten totally off subject I'll get back to my Zombie Escape altered art shoes.  I'll post pics of the finished product.  Halloween seems far away, but it will take me months to get ready.  If you have any ideas for creepy themes please post them in the comments.  I'm totally open to new ideas!


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