Saturday, August 30, 2014

Treasures Gothic Old World Style Mini Scrapbook

Season Confusion

As I'm trying my best to finish up with Halloween, others keep asking why I'm thinking Halloween at all.  Then I have to explain to them that in order to have products ready I need to be working months in advance toward that end.  I would have thought it would be obvious but I guess not.  OK enough of my whining!

I've been working all summer on Halloween and I'm now attempting to move on to Christmas.  Problem is I still have some ideas for things I want to do for Halloween.  So now I'm working on both.  Makes for a real mess in my craft room, let me tell you!

I have actually had some progress in finishing up a couple of things this week.  I completed my Gothic Romance and Treasures mini albums.  Both of these were custom made to fit into my boxes if desired.  I especially love how the Gothic Romance looks in the Deluxe Coffin Box.  The Treasures mini will fit in either the Old Wooden Casket or the Beast Within Box.  People say I have a slightly warped imagination.  I have no idea why.

Scrapbook Set
Deluxe Coffin Box Scrapbook Set

Old Wooden Casket Scrapbook Set
Old Wooden Casket Scrapbook Set

Beast Within Scrapbook Set
Beast Within Scrapbook Set

It's Labor Day Weekend and I have all three days off!  Woot woot!  Should I work or play?  What a hard decision.  I think I'll do a bit of both.  And throw in a round or two of culinary indulgence!  What is a holiday without some not-in-my-diet food?  I hope you enjoy your holiday just as much!


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