Monday, October 6, 2014

Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream 2014 - Clowns vs. Pirates

Busch Gardens Haunted House
Freak Show Where The Clowns Lived 2012

Welcome To The Freak Show

This time of year Busch Gardens is in full scale Halloween mode.  Howl-O-Scream has gone through several transformations over the years.  Some good. Some not so good.  The general consensus is that they should bring back the Haunted Train and the Scary Clowns.

I don't remember ever riding the Haunted Train, but I definitely remember the clowns.  They were all over the place and would sneak up behind you.  Once we were in Ireland and I felt something on my neck.  I put my hand on my neck and OH MY GOSH.  I got a handful of CLOWN NOSE!  This clown had crept up on me and put his long plastic nose on the back of my neck.  I screamed pretty good.  Of course hubby saw him do it and never warned me.  That reminds me...I still owe him for that one.

It takes very little effort for clowns to be scary.  I don't know what it is about them but even the "normal" ones are creepy.  Add some jagged teeth and the terror kicks in.  Anyone remember "It"?  Argh!

Speaking of argh...They got rid of the clowns and replaced them with pirates.  Now I like Johnny Depp as much as the next girl, but scary he is not.  The pirates this year are a bit dead looking, which is an improvement from last year.  And I will say that the makeup and costumes are fantastic.  But pirates will never be as scary as clowns!  Except maybe in "The Fog".  That was pretty scary.

Pretty Pirate at the Pub
Now That's Scary!!!

#buschgardenswilliamsburg, #howl-o-scream, #scaryclown,

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