Saturday, October 4, 2014

Small Town Life on a Friday Night

Childhood Memories

Back in my youth the thing to do on a Friday night was to go to the high school football game.  Especially if it was a home game.  It was almost impossible to think of missing it.  I might be wrong, but it just seemed like the whole town was out there.  My friends and I spent the evening hanging out and eating the required junk food (although I refuse to classify hot dogs as junk food)!  I will admit that we watched very little of the actual games.  We were busily running around being girls.  I think the boys did watch the games.

We lucked out on our recent trip.  We just happened to arrive in time for a home game.  I haven't been to one in many years.  I will not say how many.  But I think the girls in that day were wearing maxi dresses!  The game was held in a new stadium but the crowd still looked the same.  Looked like everyone in town was there.  Just being at the game brought back so many memories.  The school spirit was definitely in evidence.  I felt totally out of place without a Bobcat t-shirt.

Summers County Bobcats (formerly Hinton Bobcats)

My Favorite Football Game Memories


The beloved Hinton Bobcat

 There's just something about a mascot.  Especially one that looks like a massive stuffed animal!

Bobcat High Five


Back in my days the band was huge.  And they really rocked the place.  They were fantastic.  Our favorite place to sit was over by the band.  But times have changed.  There were only 14 kids in the band.  FOURTEEN!!!  I couldn't believe it.  But I've been told that when they closed Hinton High School and opened the regional Summers County High School it pulled in students from areas that were so far away it is difficult for students to get to practices.  I can totally understand that.  It's sad though.  I was really looking forward to hearing that band again.

Summers County High School Band


 I will say the uniforms are prettier now than they were in the old days.


Mini Footballs

Sigh.  No picture because I never have been able to catch one.  I cannot tell you how much I wanted one of these little footballs when I was a kid.  One of the teenagers in front of us did get one and they were playing catch right in front of my face.  It did cross my mind (briefly) that I might be able to snatch it.  But I controlled myself and came away empty handed.  It was tempting though.  I could have just bought the football from the kid.  But I think the thrill is in the catch.

So I just consoled myself with a Bobcat t-shirt.


#Hinton, #highschoolfootball, #smalltown

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